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For many years now SES has been supplying Hydro Tasmania with a range of low-volt, high accuracy voltage transformers, and other componentry.

Hydro Tasmania is Australia’s leading clean energy business and the largest generator of renewable energy. Hydro Tas is the key factor that allows the state of Tasmania to be powered by over 90% clean energy, and with continued investment, will allow Tasmania to become a net exporter of electricity, assisting the rest of Australia’s National Electricity Market.

Hydro Tasmania should be seen as a prime example of how green energy can undeniably replace conventional electricity generation.

For other projects using Southern Electronic Services transformers, visit our projects page. To check out Hydro Tasmania, click here.

Telecom / Data centers

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Important Features to Consider When Choosing a Step-Down Transformer

Telecom / Data centers

The step-down transformer is one of the most commonly used devices for adjusting AC voltage. Not only is this a great tool for safety reasons, but it’s also ideal for reducing energy consumption and lowering monthly utility bills.  Because there are so many options available, choosing the right step-down transformer can be a daunting task….

Isolation Transformer Basics: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Telecom / Data centers

The isolation transformer isn’t as common as other power-transforming devices, but it’s still an important addition to the world’s electrical grid. Because it’s not as well known as the step-up or step-down transformer, it’s normal to have questions about isolation transformers.  Luckily, we’re here to answer those questions in this complete guide for beginners on…